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" Courage requires you keeping your integrity despite adversity or discomfort."

You wont know what your core values are until you have to stand in the midst of a crowd fighting for something no one understands. This has been my life and somewhere along the way I caved and adapted to what was around me for the sake of not being an issue. I had no clue who I was or why I was here. I had an idea but it was purely based upon who my environment said I was supposed to be. Struggle, survival and suppression will cause to you to take on a character to make it day by day.

Once I invited God into my space, I was able to begin accepting what he saw me to be. " You are far more precious than rubies," has always stuck with me. I was telling myself that I wasn't worthy, maybe I didn't belong and that there was a high chance that I wasn't enough to rise up to where God was calling me to be. God wasnt solely saying that we were more than jewels. He was saying that we are assets in his eyes. Nothing can equate to how much we're worth. The world doesn't even know what to compare us to and because they don't understand true value, they try to diminish our worth so that we'll settle for market value.

My name is Jasmine, like the flower and I am here to show you how to appreciate in value through accepting the asset God sees you as. You will know the true value in being a child of the most high God. The God that has many names which all have a different purpose. The God that cannot be limited or overcome! Before you question if you're worthy, ask yourself this. If I come from a father whose overcome the world, then why would I go another day accepting less than what hes promised me?

Lets Get To Work