The enemy will make you hate the very thing God will use.

I never understood my power nor the gifts I carried. I was always misunderstood, overlooked and the odd ball out everywhere that I went. Life took me through trials of suppression, people pleasing and overcompensating to feel “normal”. I was constantly bullied, especially when it came to my voice and the way that I walked. This made me hesitant to speak and extremely insecure when it pertained to being seen. The enemy attacks your seeds when you are young and unaware, so that by the time you become an adult, you’ll be full of weeds that you perceive to be flowers but in all actuality they’re just taking up space with the purpose of never being replaced. God did a great work in me! Sometimes I’m shocked by seeing how far I’ve come and what I’ve had to face. Gods will do miraculous things through you especially when you accept that you’re great! We were taught to invest into outside things but never in ourselves. It came off as a waste of time and money. This was intentional, the enemy loves distractions!

I learned in life that the true asset is within yourself. You are everything you’re searching for and through Christ you can create all things because your words are seeds. I’m here to show you not only how to clean out the garden within you but how to create a space for others to plant too.

We are a community here at The Asset Production Academy. You won’t only be connected with life partnerships but a state of being that will show you how to become the income you want to create. Here you will grow in more ways than one! You will grow in faith and deepen your spiritual insight so that you can experience God in new ways. This will translate in various areas of your life! Your vision will change,your mindset will shift, and never again will you dim your light in rooms your supposed to shine in!